dress-drawin' video

I've done a couple of livestreams of drawthisdress drawings, and I recorded the last one! Here it is, sped up a bit. It's kinda low-res but you can pretty much see what's goin' on. I hope. Here's the finished drawing.

The Miami Book Fair was awesome! Thanks so much to those who came to see me speak and/or said hi afterwards. I am pretty sold on Florida, especially now that I'm back in soggy forty-degree Portland. I'd love to go back someday!

In other news, Anya's Ghost is getting on some year-end best-of lists which is awesome! I don't know which I'm allowed to mention but it's on the Kirkus Best Teen Books list. Delightful.

I will try to get my webstore back up soon, sorry it's taking so long! I hate unpacking more than I can say.