things this week

I got some things goin' on this week! Tomorrow (Tuesday) I'll be doing a reading with T. Bak at the Central Branch of the Multnomah County Library at 6:30pm. If you are local stop on by! I'll be talking a bit about my process and will bring along some original comic pages if anybody's into lookin' at that kind of thing. And this weekend is the Stumptown Comics Fest! I'm not tabling, but on Sunday I am on a panel and will have some books for sale at the CLBDF table afterwards. Here is the bluuuurb: 2-2:45: Beyond the Cape: Genre Fiction in Comics

Join moderator Christian Lipski and creators Vera Brosgol, Brian Churilla, Brian Hurtt, Lukas Ketner, Batton Lash, Steve Lieber, Ron Randall, Dylan Meconis, and Brandon Seifert  in a conversation about the other kinds of comics.

Horror, sci-fi, western, romance -- creators talk about the world outside the super-human. Is the ‘mainstream’ expanding to include other genres, or are the smaller publishers growing their audience? What are the publishing options for non-super titles? Is it a worthwhile direction for authors and artists?

And the weekend after THAT (phew!) I'll be in Toronto for TCAF! Delight! More on that soon. Above is a progress picture of a new print I'll be debuting there.